
Friday 8 October 2010

She Always Meant To Be Yours Indeed

Cinderella story
Last weekend, I went to my sister's place. I want to get away from my chaotic life for a while. Spending my time with my two cute nephews, make me forget all those pain. Kids are great. They are cure for all kind of pain I guess. On Saturday evening, I accompanied them watching the animation; Cinderella Story. I used to love this cartoon when I was kid. The tale seems very wonderful. All of us know how Cinderella had badly treated by his stepmother and sisters before she met the Prince. Yet, after attending the ball at the palace and dance with the Prince, everything change. The Prince keep looking in every part in country who fitted with the glass slipper that accidently left by Cinderella when she run from the palace. I am sure everyone knows the Cinderella tales. You will notice that all stories always have a happy ending.

The theme song of this movie played at the end of movie caught my attention: ''... All the dream will comes true if you have faith ...''

No one will suffer forever. This life is just like Cinderella tale. Happiness will knock your door eventually. Therefore, we must always believe in Qada' & Qadar. Have faith! In Al-Quran, Allah said; ''I will act just the way man think of me''. Hence, I always believe Al- Mujib will always listen to my prayer. I believe everything I asked will come true. InshaAllah.... InshaAllah...

Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time
on the evening there are prince of Persia: The Sand of Time. I am enjoying watching this movie since it is full with action yet again, I get my important lesson.

In this movie, after Dastan presenting Princess Tamina to King Sharaman, he told King Sharaman that Prince Tus intend to take Princess Tamina as his wife. But in King Sharaman opinions', Prince Tus already have enough wife and later decide to let Princess Tamina to be Dastan's wife. Suddenly, King Sharaman died and both of them have to run because Dastan has been accused as the one who are responsible on King’s death.

After they go through a long journey together, Princess Tamina and Dastan are falling in love. However, Princess Tamina died after Nizam throw her deep down sand valley. Dastan successfully defeat Nizam and after the time has been reversed, Prince Tus has proposed Princess Tamina to be Dastan's wife after Tus found that the attack upon the Alamut is a mistake. Princess Tamina accepted the proposal and marry Prince Dastan.

I think if people you love really meant to be yours, whatever the challenges come into your way, you will always be together eventually. Only Al-Muhaimin knows when and how it will happen. Just let the time make it owns destiny. We can plan many thing. Thousand of plan we made in this life but in the end we always found that everything happen in our life is something we never expected to happen. We never thinking of it either. That is the secret of life. It is unexpected and full with surprise. Does it wonderful? Alhamdulillah Ya Allah. Thank you for everything. (Gosh!!! wish there are some more cute Princess Tamina around.. hehe)

“If they ask you (Ya Muhammad); where is Allah? Tell them that I am very close more than they can imagine”


azrai marcell said...

penat aku baca..panjang gile ko tulis..

azrai marcell said...

hilmi aku rindu kamoooo!!!!

Hilmi Mikà said...

sasterawan negare muda...
wahaha.. jgn rindu2an.. nnti dicemburui pulerk... hehe


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